Friday, March 31

Things that you own

I have realized that I need to get rid of all my possessions, throw them out. I will bring the good stuff to Goodwill or maybe I will give it to you.

There isn't much good stuff, there is mostly stuff to sift through and toss.

Take a random example of a box of junk in my currently-rather-inhospitable guest room: it might have receipts from Target, junk mail from 2002, gum wrappers, dead pens, a Barbie Happy Meal toy, a broken widget from an espresso maker, expired coupons, a dead spider, a lone red sock.

I can only throw out one third of this example box at a time! There is a period of mourning, adjustment. The whole five stage thing. Denial, bargaining, whatever the other ones are. Sometimes I wake up wondering if that yogurt coupon could have changed my life.

I imagine that when all the boxes are emptied (when I am 75), I will feel clean and holy. I will be ready for the Next Thing. That is also what I fear! Not just the next thing, but also the empty stark surfaces; all my favorite things to trip over are gone gone gone.

Also, tidy people don't like messy people who are packrats. They distrust us and laugh at us, all at once.


  1. I think you should write an essay for each box -- list all the memories you find inside. That would be lovely.

  2. michele and dave have just given the best idea ever... write your essay about the contents of each box with the knowledge that after the essay is finisehd you are commited to lighting that bitch on fire... but most importantly make sure the essay includes your inner dialogue and struggle when you are considering removing something from the box and pretending it was never in the box because you don't think you can handle burning it... it almost sounds pulishable... you could get on oprah...

  3. Totally. You guys have the bestest ideas ever and I am glad to know you all. Last night, before I went out I took photos of most of the boxes so I can't cheat. Not sure, probably won't make a big project out of it (if I had any kind of follow through I would be at a much different place in my life) but it could be fun.

  4. well when's the first "burning?"
    we could do a funeral theme... wear black, mourn... trombone, parade through new orleans
    the works

  5. really? long time no see aoasus, I'll have to put up that blog name poll. Unless you've come up with something?

  6. oh is the trombone a reference to something gross? don't tell me
