Monday, March 27

At the movies

I like to go to movies. Except for the movies themselves and the other people in the theater, and most of the concessions, it is a fun time. When I went to the Care Bears Movie in first or second grade, or was it a Rainbow Brite movie? I don't remember if there even was a Rainbow Brite movie, but I was at some kids movie, with a couple of other kids and at least one parent. Yeah, I think it was Christy's mom, because there was a general air of lawlessness. Anyway the important thing is we were the only people in the theater.

It was awesome. Total freedom. We didn't do much with the freedom but wander around a little and bask in the freedom. I remember thinking in my 8 year old head -- and I hope this is not an accurate memory but something I added as a cynical teen -- that the movie must not be doing very well if the theater was this empty on a Saturday afternoon. Hey, it was the Strawberry Shortcake movie! No, just googled it, that's not it. So, we have our little treats and pops (why did I start calling it soda after high school? What am I trying to prove?) and we are sitting alone in the middle of the theater. It rocked. I keep hoping that will happen to me again.

I like big buckets of diet cola and gummy fruity candy. I even like bad movies, they are usually good enough, and what am I? Some cinephile, some snob who wants subtitles and complex plots? Very mostly not.

So I went to the movies last night and there were way too many people there. It was the 9:30 show so it couldn't have been that bad, but I was sitting amidst about 6 people and sometimes they tried to talk to me. I even forgot myself and spoke to them occasionally. Actually I am terribly chatty in the movies -- I hate people who can't shut up in the movies but sometimes I need to whisper to my neighbor to see if they also saw the thing that just happened in the movie and if they found it as marvelous as I did -- but one doesn't like to get too friendly with strangers.

V for Vendetta, very good, visually striking. Almost makes me want to read the graphic novel but not quite. Definitely makes me want to join some sort of uprising. If anyone knows of a good revolution tell me.


  1. Ok, FN! See the graphic? I don't know if it's the exact same one, don't know if you recognize it, but when I saw it I was somehow very excited and very sad at once. Have you heard anything about the reunion yet?

  2. it's a little note for faux nombre. It probably won't make any sense to her either

  3. Okay, I'm w/ Whackly on this...Huh?

    I haven't heard anything about a reunion...Other than that SKH spoke with JBV [okay, maybe this was 2 months ago now or so] and he doesn't want to go. Even with us. Perhaps especially?!? (Ha.)

    Have you heard something about reunion?

  4. WHHHHHAAAAAAA! Now I get it! HEE!

    If it's not the same, it's very similar.

    I was actually thinking about that on Saturday night. (Not the graphic, but the accompanying events.) It was triggered by a mention of "Village of the Damned". Remeber all those creepy kids with the glowing eyes? Freaky.

    I wonder what happened to CR? I hear about CD from my Mom (or from Google spying) every once in a while.

    Is that enough initials to drive everyone batty? Sorry, folks.

  5. Ok. CR. Who. the. hell. Omigod! CR! Mein freund Johann! Remember that one? JA told me she went out with him for a little while, this was at least 3 or 4 years ago. Weird.

    I haven't heard shit about a reunion. A friend of mine who went to high school in South Dakota (I almost put 'went to hs in SD) got info on hers. I'm getting paranoid that all the preps are getting together to drink everclear and wine coolers in a cemetary and only inviting themselves and the stoners. Well, I guess we'll hear about it from the stoners.

    Glad we are on a similar wavelength, RMGS!

    By the way, it's JBV's loss.

  6. Here's a good acronym: IWESTBTTD. I wasn't even supposed (or suppost) to be there that day.

  7. I don't want to miss winecoolers, but could do with out the cemetary. Maybe a nice field outside of town? I'd still go.

    IWESTBTTD is interesting. Did you read the narrative below? That makes four. Seriously, there must be something about St. Patricks Day.

  8. There is nothing better than going to an afternoon show all by yourself. I have Thursdays and Fridays off and have been promising myself a solo movie treat after class was over. Thanks for the reminder. I think I'll catch Brokeback Mountain. And I'll be sure to get lots of gummy snacks in your honor.

  9. Wonderbar! I have only gone to the movies alone once or twice, it was fun. Usually I need someone else to come up with the idea and pick the movie and tell me when to show up.
