Saturday, January 31

Tivo and Netflix

I am so very sad. My tivo is too old to stream Netflix! whatever shall I do? As tempted as I am to burn my tivo in a sacrificial fire, I shall not! For it still downloads Amazon video and does a bang up job as a digital VCR thingy!

Monday, January 26

happy day to me!

Today I have eaten ice cream twice! I am fantastic!

Sunday, January 25

While I'm at it, more stuff I am pissed off about

-the books I ordered for this semester haven't come and I'm falling behind in my classes.
-I don't think the profs will find this to be a good excuse.
-I might have to choose on Thursday between driving the to cities with no power steering and missing "the girls" for a group birthday dinner.
-I set tomorrow as my last day of smoking, and I don't wanna do it. Even though I added the caveat for myself of "I can smoke when I drink". Is that just going to make me drink more? Silliness.
-the time management system thingy at work wasn't working at the end of the day today so that will create a gang of crap for me to do tomorrow.
-it's so fricking cold out. It's nothing new, just had to throw that in there.

power steering %$&#

My power steering went out again. I can't remember exactly if it's the second or third time it's happened with this car. The problem is apparently, if I recall correctly from last time, a flaw in the design of the car. The hose is in a horrible place, or the belt is funky or something like that. I don't believe it's toooo expensive to fix, but it's never really a good time for car repairs, is it?

Thursday, January 22

I hearby declare myself Duchesse de la Reception