Wednesday, June 7

Hey, this is the 250th post.

That is kind of cool. I think this will be a random, melting pot, disorganized kind of post. My memory is such crap lately, I should do I quick search before I write anything new, in case I talked about it last September or something.

:When did all this stuff about inflation and the stock market start hitting the news everywhere? It's just been the past couple of days, right? Are we more doomed than usual? I am sure that we are.

:Here are some words of cheery optimism from the dour, but almost kind of hot, Fareed Zakaria.

:Wordsmith's theme this week is super awesome long words. Today's word used to be my most favoritest word, but I got over it. I don't think I ever knew what it actually meant. I thought it was something anti-government. Or pro-government. Or Constitutional maybe? And why isn't the word proestablishmentarianism instead of antidis- . The quote is good too. Creepy, but good.

antidisestablishmentarianism, noun
Opposition to separation of the church and state.
[From Latin anti- (against) + dis- (apart, away) + English establish, from Latin stabilire, from stare (to stand) + -arian (one who supports) + Greek-ism (practice or state).]

At 28 letters, it's the best-known example of a long word. Here's how
you can parse the word: one of the meanings of the word establishment is making a church an institution of the state. In the late 19th century England, there was a movement for the separation of the church and state: disestablishment. Those opposed to the idea of separation were antidisestablishmentarians.You can see where it's going. Why not a contraantidisestablishmentarianism?

and the daily quote:

If my decomposing carcass helps nourish the roots of a juniper tree or the wings of a vulture - that is immortality enough for me. -Edward Abbey,naturalist and author(1927-1989)

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