Friday, June 2

Mmmm. 2nd day at the new job

I smell like candles. My hair, my clothes. Fresh linen, juicy fruity something, that kind of nasty pumpkin one. Fragrance is our passion! In the course of my indoctrination -- that is to say, training, I have learned many fascinating tips, so if you have any questions, do let me know. You'd be surprised to learn all the potential perils of inferior candle burning technique. You could die. This lady had her candle jar explode because she didn't keep the wick trimmed to 1/8 inch, and her cat was covered in molten wax!

Besides the fabulous, stinky (in a good way) product, there's the fun of meeting new people in a new environment. Of course, I realize a candle store is not a prime spot for meeting straight, single men. I've taken consolation in talking with my new co-workers, who are a trip and a half. They are mostly much younger than I, and they talk veryveryfast. Even the ones my age and older are very excitable about things like the insolence of the cell phone kiosk dudes, and the moving of the pop machines.

If you are ever in the Crossroads Mall and feel like checking out some super-scented, New England-themed, cutesy-named candles, stop on by. Talk to me or just wave supportively on your way to Orange Julius. Please, I'm dying here.


  1. Do they have a shame and jizz scented candle to remind me of my childhood?

  2. What you'd want to do is get one of those Tart Burners, with the wax potpourri. Then you take half of a Home Sweet Home (sugar and spice and everything nice) tart, and half of a Honeydew Melon and melt 'em together. Across the room you should have a MidSummer's Night (A provocatively masculine scent, mysterious and powerful) votive going, and then smoke a couple of cigarettes and pour some gin on the floor. I think that should do it.

  3. That won't smell like involuntary rape. That will smell like saturday night!

  4. leave out the honeydew melon and gin, I guess

  5. Good idea something dirty, that will work; pretty sure.

  6. yea for jobs! WTH man. Good for you.
