Wednesday, June 21

So. Eh. Yeah. Ya know.

So I'm writing this stuff, or trying to write it, and it's not been easy. I have a few paragraphs here and there, and I don't see how to stitch it all together. I think they say you should write what you know, but I am sick of what I know. I also can't write what I don't know. Some people can do that, but they must make it of pieces of what they do know to do it. Besides, sometimes you don't really know what you know, or you know but you don't want to know, you know? Ha ha, I repeated a word a lot.

Ok, freewriting, right? Who cares, whatever, I don't care. Just put some shit on the page. Do what works to get it on the page, because you decided you wanted to pick up this little hobby, remember? Silly goose. Right now I am sitting in front of the computer, with a notebook in my lap, alternating between typing and scribbling, then pacing my little circuit from desk to front door, through kitchen, past couch and back to desk.

**also, I can't get my pens to write on this fucking notebook paper. I have three new pens, different kinds, but all with the smooth black ink I like, and two of them are skipping and the other one keeps acting like it's going to go dry. I'm going to Target.

Do you have a pen preference? Gel ink, ball point, pink ink? Or are you more the pencil type?


  1. I like Pilot pens too Michele. I found some that work for me now.
