Thursday, March 2

You know Voix de Michèle?

Voix de Michèle has a blogroll on the side, I keep meaning to read more of them but some days it's all I can do to keep up with the ones I already know. Today I clicked on Kine just because, and it is a wonderful blog. She has a link to this site, so if you work with me don't be surprised to see new decorations at your desk. Happy posters! I guess there's some political thing about them but they are also cute. I am feeling indifferent today.


  1. indifferent about what? Poor people?

  2. Indifferent about your suffering? Indifferent about the state using too much salt on the roads? Indifferent about tomato gardens?

  3. I'm indifferent politically, particularly about other countries. I only pay attention to American current events to laugh or to feed my despair. How do you feed your despair?

  4. I am not indifferent about Guiness. I believe that Guiness is one of nature's most perfect foods.

  5. is that what you were doing on wednesday, doordolt, weeping for humanity?

    is it true that guinness doesn't cause hangovers? AND it's one of nature's most perfect foods?

  6. I would love to. I may switch to Guinness. I will drink snakebites, and with each one increase the ratio of beer to cider until I can drink just guinnes , it's a totally good plan.

  7. Aren't these posters awesome? Life IS smashing.
