Saturday, March 18

Hi, kids. How's everybody feeling?

I am going back to bed in 45 seconds. I just wanted to say that the gathering went well. People drank plenty of beer, that was good. People did not eat enough cupcakes. This saddens me. Four cupcakes - four MINI cupcakes are gone. Come on folks, work with me. Eat a fucking cupcake. They are for you guys. I do it all for you. I went to a grocery store and picked them out for you, hemming and hawing in the bakery department, asking myself which ones were the most delectable looking for your cupcakification.


  1. cupcakes are my absolute favorite thing in the entire world. next time you have a party, invite me and i'll take care of them for you.

    no joke.

  2. I wasn't aware of that, KB. I'm not thrilled about it, but what are ya gonna do? There was an incident where I put a sticker on his should and he put one on my butt, I just kept on a-walking and no lewdness occurred.

  3. HonBun: You are so invited to my next party. I don't know when that will be. But you and your husband will be on the exclusive guest list, oh yes you shall.
