Sunday, April 2


Kitty Movie: Honey Bunny, auteur.
Here's a bunch of links from Gawker's Blogorrhea, and links that came from the links.
Death begins in the colon: Not as intestinally oriented as one might expect. Don't be disappointed like I was. :( But do read it.
Sell your dignity and watch a movie: This is what we may look forward to in a few weeks, dearest co-workers, and some are enjoying it now.
What's black and white and read all over: Good times, haven't read much of it but the blog name is provocative.
Knobboy: "We distort, you infer."

Also this is cool: Fake PSAs from The Office


  1. ha! you linked me to giggle gram! :) that's not Lola!

  2. oh, dude. LOL. giggle gram is good too, yeah? I'll fix it today.

  3. All better now! people should go to if they would like a crazy lady and her boyfriend to entertain them!
