Sunday, April 30

I think it would suck to have this

'They call it hyperthymestic syndrome, based on the Greek word thymesis for "remembering" and hyper, meaning "more than normal.'

What would it be like to remember everything? The woman in this article is anonymous, but they describe her a little bit. She's described as normally functioning, not like a savant who can memorize a dictionary but can't live on her own, can't take care of herself.

I have a poor memory at times, but I don't mind. It sounds like she can't forget. Wouldn't it be better if things faded with time?


  1. That sounds like a neat party trick, but man alive would that suck to live with. I like my crappy memory...rose-colored glasses rule!

  2. Me too! What a pain if you remembered every tiny thing! It would be hard to forgive and forget!

  3. the good points
    - wouldn't lose stuff
    - would be great at trivia
    - would test well, i would think, because wouldn't you remember the lessons? or maybe it's not that detailed. but it sounds like it is.
