Saturday, August 12

Ok. That went well.

The show-thing at the Ritz Theater. It was a good time. If you missed it, I pity you, but the podcast should be available somewhere or other eventually, perhaps.

I'm a bit tired today, but there's lots o'weekend to go. Today: work at the candle store, out to the bar for whatshisface's birthday, then tomorrow I may get to visit as many as two hospitals (don't worry, nobody's dying)! Very exciting.

I have a lot of thoughts rolling around in my head, perhaps some of them can be expressed in blog form.
Um, people are awesome? I like sitting in a yard. Talking to some people I know and others I don't know, but who know people that I know and have very interesting things to say. Further more, I forgot how much I like the smell of an empty theater. And I had a sidecar for the first time. Quite a delicious drink that is.


  1. Very exciting - to go visit as many as 2 hospitals? Hm. That is interesting. What for, if you don't mind me asking.

    Sounds like you had a great time. I hope the rest of your weekend goes well.


  2. Excellent show. I have been blinded by your splendor and glory. Let's get drunk and burn things.

  3. Faux Nom:Of course, we must! Technically we burned cigarettes and a candle last night, so we're very cool.

    Jumper: I might visit one person in 'treatment' and will definitely visit one in an epilepsy clinic (they are monitoring him to see what treatment will work best).
