Saturday, August 5

The consolation of philosophy

There is probably a book called that or something, I don't know and I'm too lazy to google.


  1. You can read it here.

    You don't have to, though. I'm sure there's a better translation out there.

  2. I wonder how consoling it actually is. I wonder if it's better not to need it. Thanks for the link!

  3. what brought that book to your thought sphere?


  4. Thanks Neha, I was thinking the same thing.

  5. Well, I had the beginnings of a big long post in my head when I started typing that, about having a system of thought, about applying intellectual fairness and rationality throughout one's life. And perhaps it would be consoling or reassuring. Like playing blackjack, always following the rules, hitting staying doubling down when it says so on the little card, then you know that you will lose at times but over time by being consistent you will win. But then I ran out of energy.

  6. what do u think? is there any such system of thought?

  7. Possibly. I think philosophy is good, but it's used as another bullshit defense mechanism like religion or patriotism. But then what is philosophy?

  8. I have Richard Green's translation of The Consolation of Philosopy from 1962. I read it in a philosophy class back in college. It is actually a pretty good read - set up as a conversation between Boethius and Philosophy.

    Thanks for mentioning it. Now that it is out of the bookcase and on my desk I may have to re-read it.

  9. "Thus my maimed Muses guide my pen, and gloomy songs make no feigned tears bedew my face."

  10. I sort of wanted -- oh how I hate these confessional blogs -- but at one time, I planned on majoring in philosophy. What changed my mind was not the lack of lucre in the ontology and hermaneutics industries, so much as the overwhelmingness of thinking all the damn time about every damn thing. Is my toaster really there? Is it the idea of the toaster I see or something? Whatever that was? Is it the sinn or the beteudung? Is my delicious bagel really there or is it all the creation of my brain? I was totally Frege-ing out, ha! ha! ha! Sorry about that.

  11. No problem - that comment made me giggle.

    And thinking all the damn time is exhausting. But getting to think some of the time, about things that interest you, is pretty cool.

    We can all be part-time philosophers, right?

  12. i should really stop by here more often... it's like there are real thoughts happening here... unlike my own blog...

  13. Do stop by as often as you can.

    Yes, part time philosophers. That is good.
