Sunday, August 13

Good times.

I don't feel so good, so I came home early tonight. No good reason except maybe I overdid it last night and it's just hitting me now? Oh well, what are ya gonna do? I'm going to drink some water and go to sleep. Seriously, what the hell?


  1. oh i hope you would be feeling good again very soon.

    guess sometimes hospitals do this.

    i used to read "zen and the art of motercycle maintainence" at such times. since it was all english and i still couldnt understand a word - it worked perfect for blanking out my mind. :P

    you got any such trick?

  2. ha! I need a trick like that. Actually Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance could do that for me, even as a native English speaker. Or maybe I could find a copy of that book in Portuguese?

  3. Oh yeah.

    You read with the LIt 6 folks, right?


  4. i'm not sure if i would understand that book now, but i am talking about when i was at primary school :) mum got that book from uncle and...

    what do u read at lit6?

  5. I took their summer writing course, "Women who write about fucked up women" or was it "Fucked up women writing"? Anyway, it was an eight week course, the five of us came up with characters and a story line, then we did a little show this weekend, with steph ash as the host and cameos (I'm not sure if that's the right word for it)by Captain Geoff and Sam O. So it was like Lit6's little sister, or distant cousin or something.
