Friday, August 25

I just put on black nail polish.

It seemed like the thing to do.

I also just heard a good quote from a commercial for Monk: "It's going to be a great party. I'm not completely dreading it." I elected to stay home and vegetate in front of the teevee in lieu of my many exciting invites to various society events: charity balls, seances, waterskiing shows, bars.

A few days ago on NPR, a few campaign staffers were touting the merits of their particular candidates. One said of Mike Hatch "You gotta admire his skepticism."

I don't know. I was going to vote for him, but he comes off as a bit of a douchebag. And he doesn't play well with others, but that worked out great with Ventura, right? Thus ends my cogent, insightful political analysis.

Anybody want to tell me who to vote for?

Will you still be my friend if I wear black nail polish?


  1. I'm a big fan of black nail polish - my wife (17 years - she deserves a medal) sometimes wears the black nail polish.

    Mike Hatch is as mean as a snake. He is one difficult dude. I'm voting for Lourey in the primary. Only Hatch if I have to vs. Pawlenty.

    I could go on but Hatch would probably file a lawsuit against me.

  2. There's another guy, some alt party. If doordolt reads this he probably knows who the Libertarian candidate it, eh doordolt?

  3. Ok, I looked, and the Libertarian is Sue Jeffers, she's actually running on the Republican ticket. So ... Greens? Indies? Whatevs?

    NO! I just won't vote. And anyone who tells me I don't get to complain if I don't vote, shall face my wrath!

  4. I think not voting is a really good idea. Then you'll have something to beat yourself up over for the next four years.

  5. I have plenty of material for that already!

  6. If you don't vote, you can just bitch about how crappy the candidates are and vow to run yourself one day. That might work.
