Monday, August 7

"I don't think adequate is quite the superlative you thought it was."

I'm really going to bed now. At least I'm going to lay on the couch and not think, watch tv, etc. Nope, no etc. Just watch tv and and not think.


  1. Is there fun happening in St. Cloud on Friday?

  2. Oh, yeah! I forgot. Another fun social time for the childless party people.

    Hopefully they will tape it for podcasting later!

  3. Come on, bring the kids. They'll love it.

  4. I think we will come to one of the regular Lit6 shows this year. I made it to at least three of last year's shows at Creative Electric and I know my 14 year old will love it (not so sure about the 11 year old...)

    This particular event on Friday may be a bit raw for the kids, though, given Madame Steph's penchant for brutal truth-telling and the frenzy that I am sure she has instilled in her performing troupe of empowered womyn, who will certainly emote and proclaim with vigor and fury upon the Ritz Theater stage.

  5. I've been having a lot of fun lying on the couch, not thinking, and watching tv lately. I think I need more channels, though. There's only so much VH1 that one person can handle.

  6. Rand, We only spell women 'womyn' cuz we don't know no better. :p

    Am, you are missed. But I am glad you are enjoying the VH1 as much as is possible. Is it too greedy if I ask if there's more of your story to come?

    CNasty, I'm trying to be concise, leave 'em wanting more.

  7. I'm so excited for your show, Dirty. Watching practice was really damn amazing. You gonna rock.

  8. oh :)
    good luck for the show SD!
    and i am looking forward to the posts- long and frequent, once the show is up. is that too selfish?

    word verification
    x m bmw

    ps: i am addicted to finding meaning... even in random word verifications :S
