Saturday, November 19

types of nerds. holidays

Yesterday, some people derided me for being a "literary nerd". That just means I like to read. These persons are "regular nerds", or computer/tech geeks and also cable nerds. They look down on me, because they have marketable skills and I just have some books. I told them I am going to start identifying and celebrating obscure literary holidays (birthdays? publication dates?), with appropriate beverages, and maybe activities. And you're not invited!

Jane Austen: white soup, negus, Madeira wine, tea. I don't know what the first two are, but we'll make do.
Bloomsday: Guinness, I guess. There's maybe something better.
Dorothy Parker: "I love a martini -- but two at the most. Three I’m under the table; Four, I’m under the host.”
Robert Burn: Scotchy, scotch scotch. And gie her a haggis. But I'm not having any haggis.

Any ideas for other writers? Or nerd holidays of any decription. Ever heard of Mole Day?


  1. Well, I don't know about official holidays, but Sade and Sacher-Masoch could have some interesting celebrations.

    Poe is a fun guy to celebrate, as is Lovecraft, Bierce, Orwell, etc.

    An Ignatius J. Reilly day would be fun.

    Supposedly Dickinson used to lower from a window cookies and cakes in baskets to neighborhood children.

    Burroughs? Nabokov?

    You can actually go on holidays and tour sites of the Brontes and Virginia Woolf?

    Dylan Thomas? Bukowski? Anything with readings and mass drinking could be fun.

    Go into hiding for a Salinger/Pynchon/Rushdie day?

    Maybe someone else should help out here...

  2. Morton Thompson - Rubbing Alcohol and Thai Food
    Edmund Cooper - Tom Collins and fondue
    Robert Harris - Newcastle and cheese
    L. Ron Hubbard - Water and crow
    Tolstoy - Vodka and horse meat

    also... derided is a bit strong
    and your use of the plural "people" is inaccurate

  3. OH!!! Crowley - Sangria and uterus!!!


  5. Julia Cameron day -- where everyone has to wear glitter and make collages. That I'd celebrate once a month.

  6. Blogagaard Day! Arm wrestle someone you barely know, or love!

  7. Movies count, doordolt. Tina's birthday party was Napoleon Dynamite-based, so we'll allow it.
    Clurg, readings and mass drinking are what it's all about, right on!Also, lowering baked goods to neighborhood children from a window, and chanting whatever that poem is, "the carriage held just ourselves and immortality" til the cops show up.
    Whackly, your ideas are terrible. Except fondue sounds pretty good right now. And yes, you are a Star Wars nerd. Hope your xbox 360 weekend was everything you dreamed of and more!
    Michele, I would attend Julia Cameron day, too , but 3 times a year, tops.
    Dave Opp: There aren't enough arm-wrestling holidays, I find. You can start establishing it in Canada or something, maybe?
    Flying Rainbows, Why do I always call you rainbow flyer when i'm in blogland? That's just silly. We did have lots of fun, another night out dancing! And how much do we love CN's mom? A lot, that is how much!

  8. Are my ideas terrible because some of them are obtuse and they are all funny in one way or another or are they unfunny because it wasn't a fellow literary nerd from a clique in St. Paul that suggested them?

  9. Somebody (named Whackly) is in a bitchy mood today. Got your goat.

    Listen, sunbeam, you can be any nerd you want to be!

  10. Tolstoy and Crowley days sound stupendous.

  11. You can have my goat. I don't want him. He's sexually repressed and eats all my tin cans.

  12. Your goat would never leave you, Whack, you two have too much in common. Hm, I never looked up Ignatius Reilly.
