Wednesday, November 9


oneiric \oh-NY-rik\, adjective: Of, pertaining to, or suggestive of dreams; dreamy.

This is a good word for today. It took me a while to wake up this morning. I had dreams about normal everyday stuff, which is confusing. I was half awake, thinking I should really look at my clock to see how much longer I could sleep. Then I slipped into a dream where I was looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, but I was standing up, not lying in bed, and the clock was changing from 8:38 to 9:39 and back again. I woke for real a few minutes later, it was much later than I thought it was in the dream. It reminded me of when I lost my watch a few years ago; I had a recurring dream of finding my watch. I would wake up thinking I had it, but no. Stupid dream, right? I thought for a while it meant Something Deep and Significant, but now I think not so much. I just needed to get a new watch or get out of the habit of wearing one. So I don't wear a watch anymore.

What is the stupidest dream you have had?


  1. that is one cool dream, crapnasty.

    I once dreamed i was walking on this silent, red, alien planet, not unlike mars. I looked up at these huge needle tipped towers all around me. They were so tall it made me dizzy, and then I was standing on top of them, looking down. I can't remember if I fell or not...

  2. DD-

    You ate all the candy you were supposed to be giving out for halloween again this year, didn't you?

  3. I once closed a set of doors on a guy's arm in a dream. The arm came off and I picked it up, opened the door, and hit the guy with it.

    I don't remember much else about that one.

    How is the rereading going, Something Dirty?

  4. I have stalled in my progress. I watched tv last night and read the Metropolitan Museum of Art catalog instead!
