Thursday, November 17

Blogger Happy Hour Fun Times?

From la Michèle: "A gang of us will be at Psycho Suzi's Motor Lounge on Saturday evening after the Lit 6 Project show. I'm guessing we should be over there by 7:30ish. What do you guys think?"

I know I can't make it, but y'all have fun. Hey, if anyone is in central Minnesota, come to Legends bar in the Holiday Inn. It's at the intersection of highways 15 and 23, you betcha. Saturday night, after 8 pm. It's actually CN's mom's shindig, but whatever. Her mom is awesome.


  1. all the kool kids will be there.

    SD, you should quit your job and then walk back in on Monday, like Costanza, and pretend you never quit.

  2. w00t!

    You should totally do a road trip and come on down, dirty girl.

    *mwah* from the Voix for the link.

  3. Tempting, verrrry tempting. But they can't do without me around here, all the kewl kids here would stop dead in their kewl shoes. That's just me inviting violent disagreement from the cool kidds.

    Michèle, don't *mwah* too much, only about 10 people a day read this bad boy!

  4. Yeah, quite. We've alwasy go Jay waiting to take your place in the group.

  5. As if I didn't know that. Stop throwing it in my face all the time. God.
