Tuesday, November 7


It looks like Hatch is winning. And Klobuchar is leading by a lot, as predicted. The run up to the election was so exquisitely borrrrrrring, but I'm enjoying watching the results roll in. For the first time in six years!
-Keith Ellison is winning, I believe it's been called. not my district but he seems like a cool guy
-Wetterling is trailing slightly. there's still time. Wow. Her party is at the Red Carpet. I bet the owners of that establishment didn't vote for her. Hard to say though.

10:03 Now Wetterling is trailing... ok, I will just wait to see what happens.

Looks like Wonkette's stepmom is losing.

10:24 I'm watching the Daily Show/Colbert Report combo deally. It's neat.


  1. Speaking of wow, that was a lot of posting there.

  2. i have been mostly content with how the election turned out. a lot of progress has been made although pawlenty is still in there. i can live with that now that we have some other people in there. hopefully we can contiue to take steps forward. rummies out, maybe bushy will follow. hahaha, no i know he won't but i too, have a dream.
