Monday, November 13


I went to a wedding this weekend. It was very lovely, and I got to see some people I hadn't seen for a very long time. I didn't talk to anybody very much, because I left the reception pretty early. (Sorry, Mr. Groom, if you are reading this. It was very lovely!)

The last time I went to a Catholic wedding, I was maybe nine. I think chuches are weird, don't you? No, no one else does.


  1. oh, i do. i'm with you on the weird church thing.

  2. Me too. Very wierd. That's why I don't go. I get sick when I walk into a church.

  3. I actually go to church quite regularly, but I'm with you on the "weird" bit.

    I am comfortable and familiar in my own church but quite disoriented when I visit other churches.

    Might have to do with the fact that I go to a lefty-liberal gay-loving peace-activist-supporting church. Not a whole lot of those around.

  4. I might like your church, Rand.

    Churches are not tasty! LOL. Or maybe they are. Ok. My next post!
