Thursday, July 27

How may I correct your doll?

The new job is going well. I'm getting faster at my little tasks, so I'm glad to be learning more stuff so I don't just sit there bored. I press a lot of buttons and sometimes I get to walk around and go get stuff and bring stuff to places.

Also: The new hair is fine, not too crazy, not too boring. I love the way my hair feels right after it's colored. They got them good conditioners these days.


  1. Pushing buttons, getting stuff AND bringing stuff...that pretty much sums up about 95% of the modern workforce's daily activities.

    I'm still not sure what to make of "correct your doll?" Hmmm.

  2. I am afraid I will say that instead of "How may I direct your call?". Someday that will probably happen.

  3. I think I meant to explain that in the post but I forgot.

  4. wow - now it seems so apparent but I had no idea what you meant when I read it the first time.

  5. Why would you think you were going to say that?

    Why would you say that at all? I'm intrigued.

    At first, I thought you were going to say you worked at one of those Real Doll factories.

  6. Ha! That would be a much more interesting job than mine. "So, let's clarify, your doll looks too much like your mother, or not enough?"

    If you switch the first letters on direct and call, it sounds like correct and doll. You see why I worry.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. That totally makes sense.

    Must be why it blew way over my head.

  9. Ha! Whackly, I'm sure that will happen.

    Clurg, you're right to expect nonsense from this blog. :)
