Sunday, July 23

Hair color adventures!

CN went blonde! It looks awesome!

And I finally used the box of light auburn haircolor I've had around for a few weeks. In fact, it's soaking into my follicles as we speak. I got 23 minutes left. I probably shouldn't dye my hair at 11 on a Sunday night, huh? I won't see how it really looks til 7:30 tomorrow. Then it will be too late.

We're doing casual wear at work next week. That will be super fun, I guess. Everybody in HR/Admin seems excited, but a little nervous about what people will decide is suitable for casual, yet work appropriate clothes. Maybe when I've worked there longer I'll really get how novel and awesome it is to wear jeans and flip flops to work.

Oh, and there are no socks required. I'm so excited to see people look normal in sandals.

On a sock/sandal note: I thought I read something this weekend about the menswear fall fashion shows, but it must have been a fevered dream. I thought it said that big slouchy socks with sandals were all over the runways. Cripes. Here is the thing that I read.

Well, I have to go rinse out the color now. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck! Hope the color stands up to the harsh light of day. No morning after regrets, okay?

  2. It stands up, it's all good. It seems a bit... vivid to me, but only a couple of people commented at work today and neither of them screamed "What did you dooo?"

  3. excellent. i am finally gonna be able to rock the socks and sandals again... maybe i should go red head... hell maybe i should run through downtown with nothing but nipple tassels and a cocksock on.... on second thought perhaps i'll just continue to think about who the f*** lex ham rand's picture looks like...

  4. there have been some theories on his blog. Some find it creepy, others sexy. The strongest reactions seem to be from people who've actually seen him in person.
