Thursday, February 9

Lookit the baby

She looks a little goofy in this picture. She's not that goofy looking in person.

Babies are amazing. This one is about four weeks old. She lifts her head a bit, smiles, makes all sorts of faces including sticking out her tongue.

Her eyes don't quite focus, so everything must look very cool. When her father blew raspberries on her neck, her tiny arms and legs would shoot out each time, shocked and ticklish.

Her mom said she already watches too much tv, they feel they have to turn off the big screen because she looks so damn enraptured.


  1. I have another picture of her sticking out her tongue at Jason. Shall I post it?

  2. I've changed my mind. Babies are awesome. I, once, was also a baby.

  3. so, therefore babies are awesome? Or you once were awesome? Which was it? WHICH ONE?

  4. I guess babies are awesome. I'm still feeling pretty awesome, myself. I also think everyone reading this comment is awesome as well. You've been touched by awesome.

  5. i'm glad to hear it! the world needs more awesomeness, in any sense of the word

  6. seeing my face next to that really sells it

  7. it truly does. a baby picture would sell it more, but what are ya gonna do?
