Friday, February 3

Creepy Kansas Law // More like a cute overdose

What is wrong with these people? If your mission is so holy why do you have to be so underhanded? Also, any grown man this obsessed with the sex lives of teenagers needs to be watched closely.

Dahlia Lithwick says it best:

At one level, one almost wishes Kline would prevail in this case, if only to have his offices inundated with tens of thousands of reports that Steve frenched Stacy on the band trip to Topeka.

Also in Slate:

Puppy mules: During a recent DEA raid in Colombia, authorities discovered that a veterinarian had surgically implanted packets of liquid heroin into several puppies, mostly Labrador retrievers. The cartel, which also uses human mules, hid a total of three kilos of heroin in six puppies. After the drugs were removed, three puppies died from infection. Another three have been adopted by the Colombian police.