Wednesday, February 15

I love my new sweatshirt, and pink the color, pink the person ... things that are awesome!

I'm totally awesome in my Dunder Mifflin hoodie from the fine people at Shirtheadz. Here's what my shirt looks like except my shirt is a blue hoodie, not a blue t-shirt, but the design is the same so you get the general idea. And Dunder Mifflin is not a real company, it is the company that the people on The Office work at, except for Bob Vance who owns Vance Refrigeration, plus there's that girl who sold the purses, and there are various other ancillary characters, like the booze cruise captain.

But there aren't any episodes on til March 2nd because of the dumb Olympics. Not that my world revolves around television, it's just that every two years the Olympics kills my tv watching schedule and it makes me realize how much my world revolves around television and I hate the Olympics for that.


  1. this is a good oppurtunity to get caught up on DVD TV series you've never seen. check out what your local library has. I'mon th e lIst for Deadwood.

  2. you know the librarians are out to get me ... but I'll give it a try

  3. there are a couple of episodes of the British Office on BBC America, so that will help tide me over

  4. i'd prefer a Wernham Hogg t-shirt, since i'm partial to the british version :)
