Tuesday, December 6

Hot gossip about Nick & Jessica

Insiders reveal the secret tragedy after the breakup: Jessica wasted away and died! And Lucas was thrilled to hear it, but who wasn't? Nick isn't doing that great either, he's kind of a celery green color.


  1. Everyone knows that of the two, Jessica is the more heinous offender and that poor Nick has had more than his hands full trying to deal with that spoiled, rotten brat who is incapable of even the simplest of tasks. She should be the one to die first. Now the question is, can Nick survive without her? Give it a good, honest try SD. Nick deserves that after all he's been through. Keep the faith.

  2. That was really stirring; thanks Lucas. I'm inspired to continue the plant life support. And I decided not to use Jessica as mulch in Nick's pot, he doesn't need her stinking up the joint.
