Thursday, September 7

News that isn't surprising

You know those ads about how if you smoke pot you'll inevitably run over a precious little tyke with your car, you stoned loser you? Well, appaaaaaarantly, that ad and the rest of the series didn't work. And the government sat on the results for a year. In fact most big drug deterrence programs, like DARE and shit like that are a total waste of taxpayers money. No, wait, worse than a waste of money: kids who are exposed to these ads were actually MORE likely to use drugs. And not for the reasons the ads bother me, that they are manipulative and inaccurate; just because they keep mentioning drugs, keep them at the top of the kiddies' fragile lil minds.

Back in the day was when we had the really cool anti-drug ads. I was watching a Scrubs re-run last night when they referenced the "I learned it from watching you, Dad!" one. That was cool. I thought I was the only one who remembered that. Anybody remember the one for smoking with the classic line (the only part I can remember) "He's all slimy and gross and smells like a butt!"?

What's your favorite anti-drug propaganda?


  1. My favorite anti-drug propaganda? Seeing granny snort a line of coke off of a male stripper's erect penis. "Granny, NO!" I'll never take drugs or perform sexually ever again.

  2. My favorite was "I Dated A Robot" starring Billy Everyteen and the Monroebot.
