Monday, September 18

Hey,guess what?

Tuesday is

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

Celebrate with someone you love. Or by yourself, muttering to yourself in pirate talk in the middle of the grocery store.


  1. If you aren't sure how to talk like a pirate, this video should help.

  2. there was pirate day at the primary school near where i live but some kids dressed like the karate kid.
    overheard this -

    pirates are BAAAD, karate kid is good. you cant come as karate kid on a pirate day.

    sooo, if you have an imagination wild enough you are always talking like a pirate ;)


    ps: i would love to know what was jeremy thinking when that snap was taken.

  3. And by the way -- there was a girl at school today in a pirate costume walking around with no shoes.

    I said, "Where are your shoes?"

    She said, "Pirates didn't wear shoes."


    Well, that explains it.

    She's a teenager, maybe . . .

  4. I think pirates would sometimes wear shoes. But who am I to say?
