Sunday, October 1

The Sunday Rounddown

I have been coming up with little blog ideas then letting them go. So how about a random list of things that cross my mind? Oh, let's make that a short list.

-God, it's really fucking nice out today. What was the high? Eighty some damn degrees. Sunny. Warm, nay, hot when you're in the direct sun! I can't believe I'm even inside typing this! Christ! I also heard on the radio today that El Nino may cause a warmer than usual winter. Global warming, so tragic, so infuriating. But the fact that I might be able to put off fixing my car's heater a little bit longer provides me with some small consolation and I hope it does for you as well.

-So, heard about this Mark Foley guy? Republican Representative from Florida? Flirting online with a teenage boy who worked as a Congressional page? If you haven't heard about it, just forget I said anything, it's really creepy. This guy was part of the House committee on missing and exploited children. Oh, and some of his party mates have known of his proclivities for at least a year and didn't do anything about it. Nice.

-Ok, you know who John Krasinski from The Office is? Of course you do. He was on Late Night with Conan O'Brien a couple of weeks ago, but I just caught it. Did you know NBC replays Conan episodes a week after the first showing, but at 3 a.m.? Now you do know this, if you didn't know it previously. Well, John Krasinski's hair looked funny. Like my brother Chuck's senior yearbook picture from 1987. Only slightly less feathered.

-Here are some things I like about my job: professional atmosphere is sometimes welcome, not as weird as I thought it would be; boss gives clear expectations, feedback, respect; a good mix of routine and change, solitude and teamwork, for my personality; dress code gives me an excuse to buy new clothes (someday).

-I should tell you, I enjoy all of your blogs. I mean, at least most of your blogs, the ones I know about. I'm sorry I don't comment more, but I'm there reading on the regular. Blogs are weird weird things. Sometimes I think this will be like having a pet rock 30 years from now, only more like a pet rock that documents some of the poor choices and half assed opinions of my mid to late 20s.


  1. I wish more people would comment on my blog. I never get any hate mail. You know you've made it when people hate you. But I don't hate you (for the record). But don't worry--someday...somewhere...someone will hate you. Keeping wishing and reaching for the stars. Together we'll make it!

  2. oh that was a very nice post, SD and that was nice comment, jeremy.

    yeah blogs are weird weird things. they make world that one bit more surreal, dont they?

  3. i think that everyone adds this ethereal and esoteric quality to blogs because that's how they want their blogs to be viewed.. that way you can say whatever you want and if it ends up bad you can just claim it was just "wacky blog talk." maybe i'm just trying to say that surrealism is just realism we're afraid to fully commit to...

  4. p.s. i'm just making that up. it didn't mean anything. it was just wacky blog talk.. and i'm going to Jeremy's blog to comment right now.. careful what you wish for

  5. i've fallen way behind on both my reading and commenting on The Blogs. i blame depression.

  6. It's ok Hon Bun, we all get the blues.
