Monday, October 16

let's have a tea party!

Hey, guess what? My parents got a scanner. I used it this weekend.

Now it's tea party time! The picture on the left is me and two of my brothers, circa 1981. Below, you find my nephew and nieces having their own tea party around 1999-ish.

I had the tiny tupperware set, in gold and brown and all those awesome colors. I don't recall the circumstances, but I bet on this day I was ragging on my mom about wanting to have a tea party with my new dishes and she lured my brothers to participate and behave in a civilized, tea party-appropriate fashion with cookies, perhaps candy.

My nieces have 7 or 8 tea sets between them. Nephew didn't officially own one, but they all liked playing restaurant and stuff like that. Now they are all getting big, in the throes of elementary school and junior high for the boy. Sigh. Where does the time go?


  1. I just noticed how blurry both of these pictures are. Funny! We're just lucky there isn't a thumb in at least one of them.

  2. crazy! if i were to do that kinda comparison i would have to find a more recent picture of my youngest nephew getting beat by his siblings and cousins. that would be fair, too. gotta love childhood memories. wait. where am i?

  3. what's that round thing on your brother's face? lips? donut?

  4. I highly approve of tea parties. I used to have an awesome tea set in real live ceramic. I don't know what happened to it, though. My mom probably gave it away to the neighbors when we moved. My nieces have an Alice in Wonderland tea set. It's fricken awesome.

  5. neha, it's bubble gum. I bet the bubble exploded all over his face. I bet I laughed.

  6. I must have been deprived as a kid. No tea parties for me:( Jamea has tea parties with my coffee cups and coasters. It's not a tea set but it works for her:)

  7. whenever i have a tea party i just use any old things. in fact, i've been known to use ramakins, jiggers, shot glasses.. whatever... the stuffed animals don't really understand the difference. my favorite is the giant coffee mug from Mary's Market (before it was Mary's Bistro) in St. Cloud. mmmm... black forrest cappucino and buschetta.... maybe a trip to Cafe' Esperanto above the Korman Gallery after for greek press coffee and a martini.... those were the days... but yeah... i totally use that for a tea cup, and i always have.. so nobody even thinks twice about it. i caught Jordan (Mr. Monkeypants) giving me the eye once but I think he was wondering less about my teacup and more about whether i was telling the truth about using real imaginary cherries in the tart, as opposed to canned imaginary cherries.

  8. did I say St. Cloud? I meant Rockford. I've lived here too long.

  9. LOL, whackly. Does your son get to play too?

  10. Whackly, you and I used to hang out at the same places in Rockford.

    Cafe Esperanto has been gone for years, but I was a regular there during hs and my years at RVC.

