Sunday, October 8

Wouldn't it be cool to live in olden times?

I mean, like, way way way back? In pagan, pre-Roman England? Then you probably would know what all the henges were really about. Life expectancy was like 25 years or something, so you wouldn't have time to get bored. Those are the two main advantages that I can think of right now. Fucking Romans, ruined everything.


  1. I wonder if their teeth were really bad back then, too.

  2. plus... how do you make comedy that's simultaneously farsical AND witty when filth farming serfs haven't even existed yet?

  3. I agree with Wackly. Hell no!

  4. I think their teeth were bad, but not that bad, because they would probably not all fall out by the time you died.

  5. ...and there would be fewer cavity-inducing snacks. No mountain dew for the pre-roman pagans.
    That might make teeth last a little longer.

  6. Yes! Plus maybe the druids had a secret, mystical toothpaste.
