I shall try to be more prospicient and malapert in the future. I think I've got the castigate thing down.
prospicient (pros-PISH-uhnt) adjective Having foresight.[From Latin prospiciens, from prospicere (to look forward), from pro-(forward) + spicere, from specere (to look). Ultimately from Indo-Europeanroot spek- (to observe) which is also the ancestor of such words as suspect,spectrum, bishop (literally, overseer), espionage, despise, telescope, andspectacles.] "The answer is that an expectant or prospicient idea moves and guides the ensuing action, being a part-cause of that action." John Laird; Teleology; 1939. wordsmith.org
malapert \mal-uh-PERT\ adjective
: impudently bold : saucy
castigate \KAS-tuh-gayt\, transitive verb: To punish severely; also, to chastise verbally; to rebuke; to criticize severely.
Doctor Dictionary
Nah, it's just emails I get. Sometimes the words are really cool. I was hoping to find somesort of theme but I got nothing.