Friday, January 20

Job listings

What are some things I am qualified for?
In Fargo, Kelly services is looking for a Mis Manager. I could totally do that.
A company called Volt is seeking ≪Hl≫Navision Consultant≪/Hl≫. I'm probably not qualified.
EXCITING! Get PAID $10-$40/Hour To SHOP Undercover In Your CITY! YES! Perfect. I'd be like a PI, a female Sam Marlowe, but for shopping.

Nope, I'm probably not moving to Fargo in spite of all the opportunities it affords a young go-getter such as myself. Once ABH leaves for Sacramento, it's pretty much gonna be a ghost town. Except for like, Brady, and my family and stuff. But the Family Dollar store in Laramie, WY is looking for a manager. Am I management material?


  1. Girlfriend, you are totally management material.

    Good luck.

  2. Awe come on SD, I may be big, but I'm not big enough to kill a whole town.

    Well, maybe if I got really angry and started shooting nuclear fire from my mouth...but I'ld have to be VERY angry.

  3. thanks, voix. ABH, as long as you don't go all 'Jason' on 'em....
