Friday, January 27

Do you ever click on the bravenet stats button?

On the bottom of this page, ya know? I do once or twice a week. It shows the last ten referring websites. The search ones are my favorite. Two examples, one dull, one funny: Google search for 'topics for blogging', JTT was #10 or 11 at that time. Today I saw a hit for this morning, an MSN search for 'dirty turtle pics'. We were number one people. That poor websurfer must have been so disappointed. There was another one I saw, I can't remember what it was. On MSN, my profile was the second thing on the list when I did a search for 'something dirty'. I'm so proud. The other results were simply too vulgar for words. Check 'em out.

Space Aliens, people. It's going to be super cool. Or if it's not we'll go to Pesty's or O'Hara's after a while as usual. Or, horrors, downtown? Rumrunners, DB's, McRudy's, the Press, MC's. No.
Don't worry (if you worry, which I doubt), I am also doing fun stuff on my day off. Why, I might even get my car's oil changed.


  1. I got the check-up/tune-up whatever thing today. Somehow I always feel like I've been screwed by the mechanics.

  2. I feel the same way. I didn't get the oil changed, but I put a quart in. & I went thru the carwash.
