Wednesday, April 11

A list of stuff I'm sick of hearing about

And I think everyone will agree.

-global warming: I get it. We're all doomed.
-the presidential election: If they could hold off on this shit for a year, that would be great. I'm scared that I'll be so burned out on all this garbage that on Election Day I'll get drunk and vote for Mitt Romney, because Mitt is an adorable name.
-Paris Hilton/Britney Spears/Nichole Richie/ all those other girls: Let me know if Paris Hilton goes to rehab instead of all her friends. Or if she goes to jail and gets shivved.
-How much money a movie made: I don't care.
-Please add your own suggestions: if you want to.


  1. Dido on all of those, thanks.

  2. i could go without hearing about anna nicole anything, and all other celebrities/couples/heiresses and other non-working bitches who just get to party...btw, how is it that these underage girls can get into clubs and get drunk and not have the liquor license taken away at such places? wtf? i am so sick of hollywood getting special rules and breaks. what a bunch of crap.

  3. oh, how about the tainted dog food thing. I'm sick of hearing about that.

  4. I didn't even know who that Imus guy was until this crap came up. What a farse.
