Tuesday, May 9

1st day job-free

First I slept in a little bit, no big surpise there. Since getting up I have written half a cover letter, cleaned half the bathroom, exercised enought to comprise one fourth of a workout, and wrote one eighth of a blog post.

I'm thinking about some different directions in life. Somebody recently told me I'm a smart girl who needs a smart girl job. :) So if there are any openings in that, if anybody's heard of a company looking for a sassy Girl Friday type, preferably with health insurance, drop me a line.

I've also been told I would make a good real estate agent. That's a thought. Or I could purse one of the many, hilariously-advertised work-at-home crapportunities offered online. Ideally I'll hit the jackpot in Las Vegas, to distract me from the job search with all the soul crushing obligations that instant, undeserved wealth can provide.

Here are some of my less-resume-friendly qualifications.
-Easily amused.
-Fascinated by fire, shiny things and network sitcoms.
-Prone to confabulation.
-Short attention span combined with inquisitive nature leads to asking "What?" a lot.


  1. :) Thanks Adam. I'm looking forward to stinky days of doing nothing with no money.

  2. i'm two weeks deep into my no-job life. although, i had an interview today for a really poor-paying job with limited hours BUT in a setting i totally love. if offered, i'm probably gonna take it. i'm tired of the corporate bullshit, yo (although i do miss the fat checks) :)

  3. I would like some fat checks, give me some corporate bullshit for a little bit. Any company I work for will be stripped down and sold for parts within 3 years anyway.

  4. Wait a second -- you lost your job? Or you quit? Or what? How did I miss this? Are you going to move to Minneapolis now?

  5. I wish. Maybe. I don't know how to answer that, Michèle. Our company was sold off to a competitor and 9/10s of us lost our jobs. The big city seems quite attractive at this point.
