Saturday, February 9

Hi all. Happy February. I'm going to ramble on for a bit

I'm all moved in and comfortable in the new place. I knew it wouldn't be hard to just move downstairs, but it was even less stressful than I thought it would be. I think I blogged a long time ago, about how I need to get rid of a lot of stuff. I found in moving that I really have cleaned out quite a bit of junk, but there's still more that needs to be done. I need time to get used to the idea of parting with stuff. Stuff goes back and forth between the "keep" and "donate" piles a few times before meeting a final fate.

Some of my former coworkers probably remember recieving a blue fleece vest with our company logo on it. Do any of you still have it? I did until yesterday, and I only gave it up to give it to my mom. I still have lots of clothes to get rid of, things that are probably fine but I just don't wear. Then there are the books, a small but useless assortment of knicknacks and decorative items, and papers. Lots of papers. Old bills and insurance crap, printouts of whatnot. While I am generally a miserably untidy person, the stuff is pretty well stowed away at the current time.

I quit smoking, again. 32nd time is the charm! Nah, really like the fourth or fifth time. Sadly, I have been giving myself a loophole: that maybe after 6 months or so, if somebody else is smoking and they offer me one, I'll indulge. But I hear that isn't the best way to handle such an attaching, inveigling habit as this. So don't offer me one, in the unlikely event that I'm around you. As far as habits go, it's not the worst, but it's bad enough and not worth the trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! nice to hear from you. I didn't know you moved...downstairs...cheaper, smaller, just needed a change??

