Ok, I'm rapidly forgetting why I volunteered for this, but this week I started training in my company's collections department. Oh, yeah, I was trying to impress my boss and I was bored in my previous extra department work, and I knew I'd eventually end up working there, so I might as well make it my choice. That is why I volunteered.
My boss has us rotate into different departments for a year or so, 4-8 hours a week, for various reasons that are essentially valid. I simultaneously agree and disagree with these reasons; my complaining would be merely for my own pleasure, and I'm not ready to look for another job, so here I go.
I've made a few calls but only had one actual customer contact so far. I am going into this knowing that I probably won't like it, but I know negotiating and not being such a wussy pushover are skills I can use. Hell yeah. Any tales of collections from anybody out there?